What a wonderful summer it has been, the cherry season seems to have gone on forever, and the blackberries are showing promise but aren't yet ripened. The gardens have been stunning, the weather has brightened not just the gardens, everyone is happy and smiling.
There is nothing more pleasurable than having vases of flowers indoors that are home grown. These peonies were lovely back in May, we have clumps of them in many different beds. We had some wet days, so I rescued these from the ground their heads were so full of water - they brightened up the kitchen for a good ten days.
Peace lilies are so stunning, the flowers are huge - I think they are my favourite lily. We have several clumps but the blooms this year seem to have been extraordinary - the gardener kindly gave me a few enjoy. I am planning to do a drawing study, but time runs away with me.
The poppies were also abundant, we have a huge bed out the front which was alive with the lovely pink flowers dancing in the breeze.
They have seeded all over the gardens and I spotted them in at least six places, must be the birds!
These are the more traditional poppies I could not resist taking a picture.
The roses were also stunning in June, this one has the most delightful sent. It is amazing just how much nature puts on a display every year, creating such beauty that was hidden under the frost and snow.
The thing I most enjoy about the gardens is that as one flower fades another takes its place.
In August the hyacinths are all in flower, they make the most magnificent bouquets they are such huge flower heads this vase has only four blooms! Ours all seem to be pink, I think it depends on the soil.
As the summer is drawing to a close, it won't be long before the trees change colour - my favourite time of the year. I used to think gardening was boring when I was younger, but now I find I love the ever changing beds.